"""CloudnetArray class."""
import math
from collections.abc import Sequence
import netCDF4
import numpy as np
from numpy import ma
from cloudnetpy import utils
from cloudnetpy.metadata import MetaData
class CloudnetArray:
"""Stores netCDF4 variables, numpy arrays and scalars as CloudnetArrays.
variable: The netCDF4 :class:`Variable` instance,
numpy array (masked or regular), or scalar (float, int).
name: Name of the variable.
units_from_user: Explicit units, optional.
dimensions: Explicit dimension names, optional.
data_type: Explicit data type, optional.
def __init__(
variable: netCDF4.Variable | np.ndarray | float,
name: str,
units_from_user: str | None = None,
dimensions: Sequence[str] | None = None,
data_type: str | None = None,
self.variable = variable
self.name = name
self.data = self._init_data()
self.units = units_from_user or self._init_units()
self.data_type = data_type or self._init_data_type()
self.dimensions = dimensions
def lin2db(self) -> None:
"""Converts linear units to log."""
if "db" not in self.units.lower():
self.data = utils.lin2db(self.data)
self.units = "dB"
def db2lin(self) -> None:
"""Converts log units to linear."""
if "db" in self.units.lower():
self.data = utils.db2lin(self.data)
self.units = ""
def mask_indices(self, ind: list) -> None:
"""Masks data from given indices."""
self.data[ind] = ma.masked
def rebin_data(
self, time: np.ndarray, time_new: np.ndarray, *, mask_zeros: bool = True
) -> list:
"""Rebins `data` in time.
time: 1D time array.
time_new: 1D new time array.
mask_zeros: Whether to mask 0 values in the returned array. Default is True.
Time indices without data.
if self.data.ndim == 1:
self.data = utils.rebin_1d(time, self.data, time_new, mask_zeros=mask_zeros)
bad_indices = list(np.where(self.data == ma.masked)[0])
if not isinstance(self.data, ma.MaskedArray):
self.data = ma.masked_array(self.data)
self.data, bad_indices = utils.rebin_2d(
time, self.data, time_new, mask_zeros=mask_zeros
return bad_indices
def fetch_attributes(self) -> list:
"""Returns list of user-defined attributes."""
attributes = []
for attr in self.__dict__:
if attr not in (
return attributes
def set_attributes(self, attributes: MetaData) -> None:
"""Overwrites existing instance attributes."""
for key in attributes._fields: # To iterate namedtuple fields.
data = getattr(attributes, key)
if data:
setattr(self, key, data)
def _init_data(self) -> np.ndarray:
if isinstance(self.variable, netCDF4.Variable):
return self.variable[:]
if isinstance(self.variable, np.ndarray):
return self.variable
if isinstance(
int | float | np.float32 | np.int8 | np.float64 | np.int32 | np.uint16,
return np.array(self.variable)
if isinstance(self.variable, str):
numeric_value = utils.str_to_numeric(self.variable)
return np.array(numeric_value)
except ValueError:
msg = f"Incorrect CloudnetArray input: {self.variable}"
raise ValueError(msg)
def _init_units(self) -> str:
return getattr(self.variable, "units", "")
def _init_data_type(self) -> str:
if self.data.dtype in (np.float32, np.float64):
return "f4"
if self.data.dtype == np.int16:
return "i2"
return "i4"
def __getitem__(self, ind: tuple) -> np.ndarray:
return self.data[ind]
def filter_isolated_pixels(self) -> None:
"""Filters hot pixels from radar data."""
def filter_vertical_stripes(self) -> None:
"""Filters vertical artifacts from radar data."""
def _filter(self, fun) -> None:
if not isinstance(self.data, ma.MaskedArray):
self.data = ma.masked_array(self.data)
is_data = (~self.data.mask).astype(int)
is_data_filtered = fun(is_data)
self.data[is_data_filtered == 0] = ma.masked
def calc_linear_std(self, time: np.ndarray, time_new: np.ndarray) -> None:
"""Calculates std of radar velocity.
time: 1D time array.
time_new: 1D new time array.
The result is masked if the bin contains masked values.
data_as_float = self.data.astype(float)
data_as_float = ma.masked_array(data_as_float)
self.data, _ = utils.rebin_2d(time, data_as_float, time_new, "std")
def rebin_velocity(
time: np.ndarray,
time_new: np.ndarray,
folding_velocity: float | np.ndarray,
sequence_indices: list,
) -> None:
"""Rebins Doppler velocity in polar coordinates.
time: 1D time array.
time_new: 1D new time array.
folding_velocity: Folding velocity (m/s). Can be a float when
it's the same for all altitudes, or np.ndarray when it
matches difference altitude regions (defined in `sequence_indices`).
sequence_indices: List containing indices of different folding regions,
e.g. [[0, 1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6, 7], [8, 9, 10]].
def _get_scaled_vfold() -> np.ndarray:
vfold_scaled = math.pi / folding_velocity
if isinstance(vfold_scaled, float):
vfold_scaled = np.array([float(vfold_scaled)])
return vfold_scaled
def _scale_by_vfold(data_in: np.ndarray, fun) -> np.ndarray:
data_out = ma.copy(data_in)
for i, ind in enumerate(sequence_indices):
data_out[:, ind] = fun(data_in[:, ind], folding_velocity_scaled[i])
return data_out
folding_velocity_scaled = _get_scaled_vfold()
data_scaled = _scale_by_vfold(self.data, np.multiply)
vel_x = ma.cos(data_scaled)
vel_y = ma.sin(data_scaled)
vel_x_mean, _ = utils.rebin_2d(time, vel_x, time_new)
vel_y_mean, _ = utils.rebin_2d(time, vel_y, time_new)
mean_vel_scaled = np.arctan2(vel_y_mean, vel_x_mean)
self.data = _scale_by_vfold(mean_vel_scaled, np.divide)