Source code for instruments.mira

"""Module for reading raw cloud radar data."""

import logging
import os
from collections import OrderedDict
from tempfile import NamedTemporaryFile, TemporaryDirectory

from numpy import ma

from cloudnetpy import concat_lib, output, utils
from cloudnetpy.instruments.instruments import MIRA10, MIRA35
from cloudnetpy.instruments.nc_radar import NcRadar
from cloudnetpy.metadata import MetaData

[docs] def mira2nc( raw_mira: str | list[str], output_file: str, site_meta: dict, uuid: str | None = None, date: str | None = None, ) -> str: """Converts METEK MIRA-35 cloud radar data into Cloudnet Level 1b netCDF file. This function converts raw MIRA file(s) into a much smaller file that contains only the relevant data and can be used in further processing steps. Args: raw_mira: Filename of a daily MIRA .mmclx or .zncfile. Can be also a folder containing several non-concatenated .mmclx or .znc files from one day or list of files. znc files take precedence because they are the newer filetype output_file: Output filename. site_meta: Dictionary containing information about the site. Required key value pair is `name`. uuid: Set specific UUID for the file. date: Expected date as YYYY-MM-DD of all profiles in the file. Returns: UUID of the generated file. Raises: ValidTimeStampError: No valid timestamps found. FileNotFoundError: No suitable input files found. ValueError: Wrong suffix in input file(s). TypeError: Mixed mmclx and znc files. Examples: >>> from cloudnetpy.instruments import mira2nc >>> site_meta = {'name': 'Vehmasmaki'} >>> mira2nc('raw_radar.mmclx', '', site_meta) >>> mira2nc('raw_radar.znc', '', site_meta) >>> mira2nc('/one/day/of/mira/mmclx/files/', '', site_meta) >>> mira2nc('/one/day/of/mira/znc/files/', '', site_meta) """ with TemporaryDirectory() as temp_dir: input_filename, keymap = _parse_input_files(raw_mira, temp_dir) with Mira(input_filename, site_meta) as mira: mira.init_data(keymap) if date is not None: mira.screen_by_date(date) = date.split("-") mira.sort_timestamps() mira.remove_duplicate_timestamps() mira.linear_to_db(("Zh", "ldr", "SNR")) n_profiles = utils.n_elements(mira.time, 5, "time") valid_ind = utils.remove_masked_blocks(["Zh"][:], limit=n_profiles) mira.screen_time_indices(valid_ind) if "snr_limit" in site_meta and site_meta["snr_limit"] is not None: snr_limit = site_meta["snr_limit"] else: # Empirical values, should be checked snr_limit = -30 if mira.instrument == MIRA10 else -17 # Old MIRA files don't have angle variables. if "elevation" not in mira.append_data(ma.masked_all_like(, "elevation") if "azimuth_angle" not in mira.append_data(ma.masked_all_like(, "azimuth_angle") mira.screen_by_snr(snr_limit) mira.screen_invalid_ldr() mira.mask_invalid_data() mira.mask_bad_angles() mira.add_time_and_range() mira.add_site_geolocation() mira.add_radar_specific_variables() valid_indices = mira.add_zenith_and_azimuth_angles( elevation_threshold=1.1, elevation_diff_threshold=1e-6, azimuth_diff_threshold=1e-3, zenith_offset=site_meta.get("zenith_offset"), azimuth_offset=site_meta.get("azimuth_offset"), ) mira.screen_time_indices(valid_indices) mira.add_height() mira.test_if_all_masked() attributes = output.add_time_attribute(ATTRIBUTES, output.update_attributes(, attributes) return output.save_level1b(mira, output_file, uuid)
class Mira(NcRadar): """Class for MIRA-35 raw radar data. Child of NcRadar(). Args: full_path: Filename of a daily MIRA .mmclx NetCDF file. site_meta: Site properties in a dictionary. Required keys are: `name`. """ epoch = (1970, 1, 1) def __init__(self, full_path: str, site_meta: dict): super().__init__(full_path, site_meta) = self._init_mira_date() if "model" not in site_meta or site_meta["model"] == "mira-35": self.instrument = MIRA35 elif site_meta["model"] == "mira-10": self.instrument = MIRA10 else: msg = f"Invalid model: {site_meta['model']}" raise ValueError(msg) def screen_by_date(self, expected_date: str) -> None: """Screens incorrect time stamps.""" time_stamps = self.getvar("time") valid_indices = [] for ind, timestamp in enumerate(time_stamps): if not timestamp: continue date = "-".join(utils.seconds2date(timestamp, self.epoch)[:3]) if date == expected_date: valid_indices.append(ind) self.screen_time_indices(valid_indices) def _init_mira_date(self) -> list[str]: time_stamps = self.getvar("time") return utils.seconds2date(float(time_stamps[0]), self.epoch)[:3] def screen_invalid_ldr(self) -> None: """Masks LDR in MIRA STSR mode data. Is there a better way to identify this mode? """ if "ldr" not in return ldr =["ldr"][:] if ma.mean(ldr) > 0: logging.warning( "LDR values suspiciously high. Mira in STSR mode? " "Screening all LDR for now.", )["ldr"].data[:] = ma.masked def mask_bad_angles(self) -> None: """Masks clearly bad elevation and azimuth angles.""" limits = { "elevation": (0, 180), "azimuth_angle": (-360, 360), } for key, (lower, upper) in limits.items(): if (array :=[key].data) is not None: margin = (upper - lower) * 0.05 array[array < (lower - margin)] = ma.masked array[array > (upper + margin)] = ma.masked def _parse_input_files(input_files: str | list[str], temp_dir: str) -> tuple: if isinstance(input_files, list) or os.path.isdir(input_files): with NamedTemporaryFile( dir=temp_dir, suffix=".nc", delete=False, ) as temp_file: input_filename = if isinstance(input_files, list): valid_files = sorted(input_files) else: valid_files = utils.get_sorted_filenames(input_files, ".znc") if not valid_files: valid_files = utils.get_sorted_filenames(input_files, ".mmclx") if not valid_files: msg = ( ( f"Neither znc nor mmclx files found {input_files}. " f"Please check your input." ), ) raise FileNotFoundError(msg) valid_files = utils.get_files_with_common_range(valid_files) filetypes = list({f.split(".")[-1].lower() for f in valid_files}) if len(filetypes) > 1: err_msg = "Mixed mmclx and znc files. Please use only one filetype." raise TypeError(err_msg) keymap = _get_keymap(filetypes[0]) variables = list(keymap.keys()) concat_lib.concatenate_files( valid_files, input_filename, variables=variables, ignore=_get_ignored_variables(filetypes[0]), # It's somewhat risky to use varying nfft values as the velocity # resolution may differ, but this enables concatenation when switching # between different nfft configurations. Spectral data is ignored # anyway for now. allow_difference=[ "nave", "ovl", "nfft", ], ) else: input_filename = input_files keymap = _get_keymap(input_filename.split(".")[-1]) return input_filename, keymap def _get_ignored_variables(filetype: str) -> list | None: """Returns variables to ignore for METEK MIRA-35 cloud radar concat.""" _check_file_type(filetype) # Ignore spectral variables for now keymaps = { "znc": ["DropSize", "SPCco", "SPCcx", "SPCcocxRe", "SPCcocxIm", "doppler"], "mmclx": None, } return keymaps.get(filetype.lower(), keymaps.get("mmclx")) def _get_keymap(filetype: str) -> dict: """Returns a dictionary mapping the variables in the raw data to the processed Cloudnet file. """ _check_file_type(filetype) # Order is relevant with the new znc files from STSR radar keymaps = { "znc": OrderedDict( [ ("Zg", "Zh"), ("Zh2l", "Zh"), ("VELg", "v"), ("VELh2l", "v"), ("RMSg", "width"), ("RMSh2l", "width"), ("LDRg", "ldr"), ("LDRh2l", "ldr"), ("SNRg", "SNR"), ("SNRh2l", "SNR"), ("elv", "elevation"), ("azi", "azimuth_angle"), ("nfft", "nfft"), ("nave", "nave"), ("prf", "prf"), ("rg0", "rg0"), ], ), "mmclx": { "Zg": "Zh", "VELg": "v", "RMSg": "width", "LDRg": "ldr", "SNRg": "SNR", "elv": "elevation", "azi": "azimuth_angle", "nfft": "nfft", "nave": "nave", "prf": "prf", "rg0": "rg0", "NyquistVelocity": "NyquistVelocity", # variable in some mmclx files }, } return keymaps.get(filetype.lower(), keymaps["mmclx"]) def _check_file_type(filetype: str) -> None: known_filetypes = ["znc", "mmclx"] if filetype.lower() not in known_filetypes: msg = f"Filetype must be one of {known_filetypes}" raise ValueError(msg) ATTRIBUTES = { "nfft": MetaData( long_name="Number of FFT points", units="1", ), "nave": MetaData( long_name="Number of spectral averages (not accounting for overlapping FFTs)", units="1", ), "rg0": MetaData(long_name="Number of lowest range gates", units="1"), "prf": MetaData( long_name="Pulse Repetition Frequency", units="Hz", ), "zenith_offset": MetaData( long_name="Zenith offset of the instrument", units="degrees", comment="Zenith offset applied.", ), "azimuth_offset": MetaData( long_name="Azimuth offset of the instrument (positive clockwise from north)", units="degrees", comment="Azimuth offset applied.", ), }